Let us help you strengthen your community
Do you want to start a neighbourhood house or find support for your neighbourhood house project? You will find everything you need on this page.
To qualify for funding, an organization must be a qualified donee of charitable funds as defined by Canada Revenue Agency, and be able to demonstrate that it operates by the values and principles of the neighbourhood house movement. The organization must:
- Be governed by an active community advisory group;
- Demonstrate responsiveness to local culture and needs;
- Welcome, encourage, and champion diversity in all facets of the organization, and;
- Provide or intend to provide a welcoming, open-door environment for neighbours to gather.
Our two grant streams:
- New Neighbourhood House Initiatives
- Projects for existing neighbourhood houses
Read more about our Grant Criteria.
Are you ready to apply? Download our Grant Application Form and the Application and Reporting – Budget Form.
All grant recipients must complete a Grant Reporting Form within 90 days of completion of the project to help us evaluate the effectiveness of our grants and better understand how your organization used the funds received.
If your project is nearing completion, download a Grant Reporting Form now.